Sunday, September 11, 2011

If You Don't Ask......

you don't know, right?  Communications are key in working as a team.  I was a little leery when I started a Facebook page for our building.  Would it become a place for complaints to be posted?  Would parents even notice the announcements and messages?  And would kids steer clear of joining the page?

Amazingly, it has become one of the best things I have ever done for communications in our building!  Parents are asking questions, kids are joining the group and wanting to tag their photos even.  And as for reading the announcements, parents are hitting the 'like' button for simple reminders like the potential for an early out due to heat.  Wow! 

So why, as educators, do we shy away from the new technology that is available to us?  Why do we immediately think the worst-case scenario?  For our school, it is working great--I am not alone in this new adventure as several teachers have Facebook pages as well.  From reminders of math assignments to communications on how well students are doing, it is amazing to see how parents respond in such a positive light.  Facebook, who knew?!

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