Thursday, August 2, 2012

Can You Force Passion?

The month of July flew by WAY to fast and I find myself not only missing my kids, but also missing my treadmill.  Weird, huh?  I am by no means an exercise lover—in fact, I am the type that needs motivation to exercise.  Motivation such as a monster chasing me, or a chocolaty dessert to look forward to.  However, this summer I was determined to make time each day for a quick workout.  This meant devotion, I had to give up an afternoon snooze and my scrapbooking habits to actually do something that made me sweat.  Ick.

So as I sit in my office and diligently prepare for students and teachers, I find my mind wandering now and then to my newly admired treadmill…..and I find myself yearning to take a quick run.  Wow.  How did that happen?  Did I finally figure out a way to take something I despise and make it more of a passion?  Or did I just find my motivation?

As educators, we know passion is why we do what we do.  Who else (besides the average 7 year old) gets excited about school supply sales and new books?!  So in order to do our jobs well, do we need that passion every day?  Can we force passion within ourselves when there are areas we know need to be improved?  And how can we help others find their passion or rekindle a passion that was once there?